Sports Fitness Zone: The #1 Meditation for 80% of Men & Women Across America!
Sports-Fitness Zone
“According to an old Taoist saying, ‘meditation in action is a hundred times, no, a thousand times, no, a million times greater than meditation in stillness’ … "Every aspect of living might well benefit from the simplest and most…

Bicycling… Meditation Is Alive In Every Breath of 66,000,000 American Cyclists
Sports-Fitness Zone
"The bicycle is not just a vehicle used to transport ourselves, to exercise one's body or to obtain joy. It's a device which allows us to attain a much wealthier mental state than one would think possible. Once we ride it, it's possible…

Surfing & Swimming… Natural Action Meditation for 86,000,000 Americans
Sports-Fitness Zone
"The path of surfing, presents similarities with the paths of all people who have sought meaning and found their essence, whether through surfing, practicing za-zen, or studying the Tao."
- Jean-Etienne Poirier, Dancing The Wave

Running Meditation… 68,000,000 “In The Zone” Becoming “The Running!”
Sports-Fitness Zone
“There is a part of every marathon where something does take over ... the sensation of movement ... You lose a sense of identity in yourself, you become running itself ... I only have to think of putting on my running shoes…

Yoga for Men – Yes, “Real Men” Do Yoga for Fitness & Stress Reduction
Sports-Fitness Zone
“To me, yoga is great physical training, not something spiritual or religious. I want to be as effective as I can be in my job. It’s results-driven. And the results are remarkable."
- Bill Gross, Chief Investment Officer, PIMCO Funds…

Fishing Meditation… Peace In Nature for 50,000,000 Americans
Sports-Fitness Zone
"In our family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing, We lived at the junction of great trout rivers in western Montana, and our father was a Presbyterian minister and a fly fisherman who tied his own…

Hiking, Walking & Climbing… Best Meditation For 72,000,000 Americans
Sports-Fitness Zone
"Our true home is the present moment. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment. Peace is all around us - in the world and in nature and within us - in our bodies and our…

Tennis Meditation – 25,000,000 Meditate Playing “the Most Stressful Sport!”
Sports-Fitness Zone
"The final stage of mental toughness is reflected in the challenge response. You actually find yourself investing more positive intensity, more of yourself as the situation gets tougher. You find that problems you face…

Golf!… Natural “Action Meditation” for 26,000,000 Americans
Sports-Fitness Zone
“When Mitchell and I first spoke, he remarked, ‘The spiritual stuff you think about is something I frequently experience on the golf course. I wish I could experience it when I’m not playing golf.’ I responded, ‘That’s…

Tai Chi Meditation – The Preferred Meditation of 12,000,000 Americans
Sports-Fitness Zone
"For some, the flowing, slowly unfolding form of tai chi is more suitable for meditation than sitting in one place. Still others consider a moving meditation highly satisfying philosophically because they believe everything…

The Martial Arts as Meditation for 6,000,000 High-Energy Americans
Sports-Fitness Zone
“'Your mind is not here,' he said. I made no effort to deny he was right; students of martial arts soon learn that their teachers can see right through them. Standing there on the hard ground in Korea, I just bowed my head…