
Neuroscience Is “In The Zone!” See Why “Action Meditations” Work Best
Neuroscience "In the Zone"
Yes, Neuroscience Is "In The Zone!"
Action Meditations Do Work Best for 258,000,000 of All Americans, 80% Of Men & Women!
Ask anyone in the business of stress management and they’ll tell you that meditation is the best tool…

Meditation Basics : The Four Simple and Eternal Rules For All Meditations
Neuroscience "In the Zone"
That’s right, these 4 super-simple, basic and eternal rules work for every kind of meditation throughout history.
Meditation Basics : Four Simple and Eternal Rules
of all Meditation both Ancient and Contemporary
When you get down…

If You See the Dalai Lama Smiling, Ask Him, What’s The “Big Secret?!”
Neuroscience "In the Zone"
The Dalai Lama "Gets It,"
There's NO Buddha "Out There!"
The great masters smile because they understand a big secret that few of us get at first - meditation isn’t difficult. Meditation seems difficult because it’s a mirror…