
Creativity Zone! Do What You Love is the Best Meditation for Your Soul

  "Leap, and the net will appear. God has lots of money. God has lots of movie ideas, novel ideas, poems, songs, paintings, acting jobs. God has a supply of loves, friends, houses that are all available to us. By…

Personal Journals! You are One with the Source of all Meditation!

  “Why should we write? We write because it is human nature to write. Writing claims our world It makes it directly and specifically our own. We should write because human are spiritual beings and writing is a powerful form of…

Writing Meditation! Novelists, Poets, Journalists are Alive, Meditating!

“For us the preparation of this book has itself been a meditation. It has been permeated from the outset with the love and spiritual purpose that we have come to know and treasure through our guru, Nem Karoli Baba We offer it to you…