
Creativity Zone! Do What You Love is the Best Meditation for Your Soul
Creativity Zone
"Leap, and the net will appear.
God has lots of money. God has lots of movie ideas, novel ideas, poems, songs, paintings, acting jobs. God has a supply of loves, friends, houses that are all available to us.

Personal Journals! You are One with the Source of all Meditation!
Creativity Zone
“Why should we write?
We write because it is human nature to write. Writing claims our world It makes it directly and specifically our own.
We should write because human are spiritual beings and writing is a powerful form of…

Writing Meditation! Novelists, Poets, Journalists are Alive, Meditating!
Creativity Zone
“For us the preparation of this book has itself been a meditation.
It has been permeated from the outset with the love and spiritual purpose that we have come to know and treasure through our guru, Nem Karoli Baba
We offer it to you…

The Performing Arts! Entertainers, Actors, Hosts Living Action Meditations!
Creativity Zone
"We meditate to discover our identity, our rightful place in the scheme of the universe.
Through meditation, we acquire and eventually acknowledge our connection to an inner power source that has the ability to transform our outer…

Music, Musicians & Your Soul! Music is Just The Soul Meditating!
Creativity Zone
"Music is meditation, if it is sung soulfully by good singers, or even if it is sung badly by singers with soulful hearts...
Music is the inner or universal language of God.
I do not speak French or German or Italian, but…

Dancers, Dancing the Dance! It is the “Hidden Language Of The Soul!”
Creativity Zone
"O’ humans, learn to dance! Otherwise the angels in Heaven will not know what to do with you."
- St. Augustine
"Dance is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to a man. So don‘t think about meditation separately.…

The Fine Arts… Pure Action Meditating With Your Inner Creator!
Creativity Zone
"Many of us wish we were more creative. Many of us sense we are more creative, but unable to effectively tap that creativity. Our dreams elude us. Our lives feel somehow flat.
Often, we have great ideas, wonderful…

Hobbies! Your Favorite Hobby is the Perfect Meditation for Anyone!
Creativity Zone
"Arts & Crafts Keep You Sane! Certainly Was True For Me"
- Mary Engelreit, Artist
"Meditation ought to decrease the drivenness of our lives, not make it worse. That is why I say meditate for its own sake, as a hobby... …

Daily Living is Meditation… Gardening, Cooking, Working, Playing.
Creativity Zone
"Meditate on foods... I’ll take a piece of really good chocolate and I’ll spend five minutes eating it. If you pay attention to what you’re eating, you don’t eat as much of it."
- Dean Ornish, M.D.
"At 8:30,…

The “Artist’s Date!” Stressed Out? Get Out! Play Hooky!
Creativity Zone
"The capacity for silence - a deep, creative awareness of one’s inner truth - is what distinguishes us as human. All of us, however ordinary or flawed, have at heart a seemingly bound-less longing for fulfillment …
Silence is…

The Art of “Doing Nothing”… Yes, Trust Those Absolutely Essential Pauses
Creativity Zone
"Anytime you either slow down, resist a task, or invent some inane reason for getting behind schedule, pay special attention. Take these organizational lapses as an indication that you are on the verge of some major breakthrough.…

Creative Visualization… The Life You Conceive, You Can Create!
Creativity Zone
"Visualization is an active form of meditation in which you relax and chose to view images in your minds eye that will influence your emotions and energy.
Visualization is a natural process. It lets you tap into your inner sources of…