
The New Relationship Zone… Meditations of the Soul in all Relationships!

  "You’re at work and there’s so much going on around you and you have such an opportunity to be distracted or lash out. That, to me, is where my practice of meditation has really blossomed. - Elizabeth Lesser, The New…

Relationships Zone #1 – Parent’s Loving Care, the Greatest Meditation

When it comes to stress, nothing beats raising children. Every parent understands this. So it’s no wonder family life and parenting are without question the world’s number one opportunity for meditation. At its best we experience…

Relationships Zone #2 – Love & Intimacy With Soulmates

My wife had a Mastermind relationship with a close friend for many years before we met. One a therapist, the other an advertising executive. In the mid-nineties she and I started our own weekly mastermind and haven’t missed since.…

Relationships Zone #3 – Pilgrimages & Journeys, Alive!

Ancient and modern masters often remind us that life is a journey, not a destination, a journey without end. The Tendai Monks of Mount Hiei Japan take this experience to the extreme. Their Great Marathon, as they call it, is a pilgrimage…

Relationships Zone #4 – Celebrations, Ceremonies & Festivals

Religious celebrations, rituals and services are probably the world’s most natural opportunity for group meditation. The architecture, the ritual, the pageantry, scriptural readings, music, singing - whether it’s the Pope saying Mass…

Relationships Zone #5 – Therapy is an Action Meditation

We already know that seventy to ninety percent of all doctors’ visits are stress-related. A third have high blood pressure. We also know that more than half of all Americans see counselors and go into therapy sometime during the course…

Relationships Zone #6 – Self-Help Programs! Action Meditation!

Meditation is one of the key operating principles of the Twelve-Step self-help programs. For example, their 11th Step reads: “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him, praying…

Relationships Zone #7 – Mentoring, Coaching, Teaching, Meditations!

Many executives serve as mentors for the next generation of leaders. For some it may be as simple as coaching your son’s Little League team, perhaps scoutmaster of a local troop, or a big brother, a role model for a disadvantaged kid,…

Relationship Zone #8… “MasterMind” Groups Are Meditations

Here’s one my wife and I have been practicing for many years. I first read about the “Mastermind” in the first motivational books I ever read, the early classics of Napolean Hill, Think & Grow Rich, and Success Through a Positive…

Relationships Zone #9 – Public Service, “Doing Unto Others!”

Successful business leaders are often know for their tough exteriors. Meditation and spirituality aren’t highlighted in their job description. Yes, it is okay to attend Sunday church services, even serve meals in a skid row soup kitchen…

Relationships Zone #10 – Leadership, Inspiration and Sacrifice

We can easily accept that the Dalai Lama is a leader, even when he’s sitting in silent meditation. But what about business and financial leaders? We see them as action-oriented, focused on money, obsessed about the bottom line. Somehow…