
Breath Counting – You Breathe 16,000 Times A Day, Try “Zoning Out”
Traditional Zone
"This is a warning: Stress may kill. Literally. (The bodily version thereof.) And it surely kills effectiveness!
Antidote? That’s up to you. A few deep-breathing breaks, or two-minute-eyes-closed meditative stints, can be invaluable…

Mindfulness Meditation… 7 Secrets of “Wherever You Go, There You Are”
Traditional Zone
"Mindfulness is an ancient Buddhist practice which has profound relevance for our present-day lives.
This relevance has nothing to do with Buddhism per se or with becoming a Buddhist, but it has everything to do with waking up…

The Magic of Transcendental Meditation Mantras
Traditional Zone
"The word mantra means a word or phrase that has power …
Mantra is a general name for formulas, verses, or words that are believed to have magical, religious, or spiritual significance.
Their purpose is to produce a change in the mental…