Mindful Action

You’ll learn that millions of Americans are already meditating in mindful actions, doing what comes naturally to them – walking, hiking, cycling, runningswimmingtennisgolfsurfingmartial arts, plus creative activities like writing in personal journalshobbies, parenting, strolling through museums, and so much of daily living is filled natural opportunities to actively meditate.


Welcome To The Center Of America’s “Mindfulness Revolution!”

  Everything You'll Ever Want To Know About "Mindfulness" & The New "Action Meditations!" The Journey We're On!   Welcome aboard, and keep coming back, you'll learn everything you need to know about meditating by doing…

Meditation Library for a New Flawed Buddha Finding “The Way!”

  The tradition of sitting meditation goes back centuries, origins are Buddhism in India and Taoism in China 2,600 years ago. The tradition, however, is much more than just sitting, or just meditating. In the 1600's the…

12 “Action Meditations” from 12 of My Favorite Gurus!

  Meditation Is Not About "Thinking" ... It's About Getting Into Action ... About Getting "In The Zone!" ... In Your Zone!!   There are no big secrets, No mantras, incense, bells, strange music, no sitting and no gurus.…

About the 16 Personality Types. Discover Your Unique 4-Letter Code

  Everyone has special gifts, something uniquely you, that you want to contribute to the world, make it a better place, and along the way, increase your earning power and live a happier, healthier, less stressful life. Is what you're…

Kintsugi: A Haiku Meditation: You Are “More Beautiful For Being Broken!”

A Fallen Flower Returning to the Branch? It was a Butterfly! - Arakida Moritake, Haiku Poet & Shinto Priest 1473-1549 in Alan Watts, The Way of Zen   Meditation can come anytime, to us, surprising us, jarring us awake ... A…

Silent Mentors : Gramma & Grampa

  My “greatest mentors" … gramma & grampa! They raised me on a diet of irish oatmeal, faith and unconditional love!   Yes, the still small voice within … I was an altar boy, the first time I heard wasn't in church, it…