
Breath Counting – You Breathe 16,000 Times A Day, Try “Zoning Out”

"This is a warning: Stress may kill. Literally. (The bodily version thereof.) And it surely kills effectiveness! Antidote? That’s up to you. A few deep-breathing breaks, or two-minute-eyes-closed meditative stints, can be invaluable…

Mindfulness Meditation… 7 Secrets of “Wherever You Go, There You Are”

  "Mindfulness is an ancient Buddhist practice which has profound relevance for our present-day lives. This relevance has nothing to do with Buddhism per se or with becoming a Buddhist, but it has everything to do with waking up…

The Magic of Transcendental Meditation Mantras

"The word mantra means a word or phrase that has power … Mantra is a general name for formulas, verses, or words that are believed to have magical, religious, or spiritual significance. Their purpose is to produce a change in the mental…

Do Positive Affirmations Work? How to Create Successful Affirmations!

"If you have a guy with all the survival training in the world who has a negative attitude and a guy who doesn’t have a clue but has a positive attitude, I guarantee you that the guy with a positive attitude is coming out of the woods…

Inspirational Reading… Whatever You’re Reading, You Are Meditating!

"I never wanted to meditate. I don’t know why. I guess the main reason is if I sit down to meditate, I’m not getting my reading done. That’s been my main career—reading. I remember Alan Watts once asked me, ‘Joe, how…

The Relaxation Response – Traditional Sitting Meditation Suddenly Rebranded

"The relaxation response can be elicited by a number of meditative techniques ... There are two basic and necessary steps which I found to be present in practices in every culture: the repetition of a sound, word, phrase or…

Centering Prayer… Neurosciences Trigger Renewal Of “Fire In The Soul”

  A young monk came up to the great Zen master Dogen and excitedly explained that when he was deep in his meditation the Buddha came to him surrounded in a brilliant white light. Dogen responded: ‘That’s nice. Now just focus on…

Mind / Body Scanning – A Spiritual MRI in Action!

"Body scanning uses your inner awareness, rather than your eyes, to examine your body … Body scanning is very much like looking in a mirror; but the mirror is the awareness in your mind. You can use this inner awareness to check whether…

Office Breaks… You Pause, Go Within, Reflect, Renew!

  "The process of meditation is nothing more than quietly going within and discovering that higher component of yourself. ... It teaches you to be peaceful, to remove stress, to receive answers where confusion previously reigned,…

Career and Life Planning… Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It!

  "As most millionaires report, stress is a direct result of devoting a lot of effort to a task that’s not in line with one’s abilities. It’s more difficult, more demanding mentally and physically, to work at a vocation that’s…