Last Updated on December 5, 2020 by Paul Farrell, MRP, JD, PhD

The scene: Zen temple, young monks, sitting meditation, one whispers into a cellphone, "it's not working!"

The scene: Zen temple, young monks, sitting meditation, one whispers into a cellphone, “it’s not working!”


The scene, a Zen temple at dawn.

Watch the video : What is Zen? “It’s not Working”… A Master Zen Koan

Young monks sitting in meditation. Eyes closed. Legs crossed in the traditional za-zen position. Hands folded lightly in their laps. Fingers pointing to heaven.

It’s Not Working

So peaceful. Serene. Well, that is, all of the young monks are peaceful … except for one anxious beginner. Eyes darting. Fingers tapping. He has a cell phone propped at his ear.

One hand muffles his whispered message: “It’s not working!”

Not working? What’s not working? The meditation? His training? The phone? What?

Not working? The scene is a metaphor, a puzzle … a master zen koan for all of us.

A Quest to Become Whole

His world is not working, it is a moving target. Today we are witness to an historic revolution. Everywhere, new pressures, stresses, increasing anxieties, inner turmoil.

Our world is divided, our souls in conflict, we are suffering.

Thus we begin an exciting quest to become whole, to discover who we really are, to become authentic, the real you, to get rich in spirit, in fact, in love, to achieve our goals, to be happy, at peace, complete … to make your daily life a meditation … all day … every day … every minute.

The young monk with the cell phone, is you, me, each one of us … is your world “working?”

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